Our good friend, Ann Chow a MSO violinist, suggested to Benjamin to get in touch with her old teacher, Mr. Gerardo Ribeiro from Northwestern University to get some input on the next steps of his career and to maybe do a lesson with him. Ann had warned Ben that Mr. Ribeiro is very demanding when it comes to technique and she was right!
Benjamin loved his experience with him. Mr. Ribeiro gave him precious advice about his technique, his repertoire and the next steps he should be taking in order to achieve his dream of attending a big music school in university. His precious time with him was a big wake up call: there is no time to lose and Benjamin has to double his efforts if he wants to make it.
Mr. Ribeiro said to Benjamin that the music was in him, which was a big compliment. Thank you to Ann for putting us in touch with your professor and thank you to Mr. Ribeiro for taking the time to work with Ben.
Monsieur Gerardo Ribeiro, professeur de violon à l'University Northwestern en Illinois
While at Meadowmount, we enjoyed a nice concert given by some very talented musicians.